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Atticus Open Data Fellow Program


Atticus Open Data Fellow Program


The Atticus Open Data Project is a collaborative of legal professionals and law students around the world to curate and label an open-sourced training dataset of legal contracts for AI research.


The inability to review large volumes of legal contracts accurately and in a timely manner has hindered the legal professionals’ ability to keep up with today’s agile and data-driven executive decision making.  High-quality and trustworthy AI systems that can understand legal text are urgently needed, but they are dependent upon the availability, quality and transparency of legal documents annotated by legal experts.  This can be solved by the legal industry using our collective domain expertise to curate and annotate high-quality and open-sourced labeled datasets. 


To that end, the Atticus Open Data Project is launching two fellow programs in partnership with The Atticus Project, a non-profit organization, Berkeley Center for Law and Business (BCLB), and LexLab at UC Hastings Law (LexLab):


  • Open Data Executive Fellow Program: for experienced attorneys

    • This program offers experienced attorneys the opportunity to design a data project to solve data-related legal challenges.

    • Participants will be required to pitch projects, design training programs, teach at participating law schools and mentor law students.

    • Participants who successfully complete the program will receive a Certificate of Completion from The Atticus Project, BCLB, and LexLab.


  • Open Data Student Fellow Program: for law students and non-legal professionals

    • This program offers law students and non-legal professionals the opportunity to learn important legal concepts and find them in legal documents under the supervision of experienced attorneys.

    • Participants who successfully complete the program will receive a Certificate of Completion from The Atticus Project.

    • Participants who complete the Student Fellow Program are eligible to take the certification tests, and if passed, receive a Certificate from The Atticus Project, BCLB, and LexLab demonstrating proficiency in legal document review across a wide range of different practice areas.


Click here for more information on the Executive Fellow Program and here for the Student Fellow Program and how to apply.


Check out CUAD, a labeled dataset of commercial contracts, published by The Atticus Project here.

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